
Booking direct with airlines can leave you financially at risk if something goes wrong. All flights and holidays booked with Frontier Travel are protected by the Civil Aviation Authority under their ATOL scheme for your peace of mind. Our ATOL number is 5405.

Over the years we have built up a vast network of contacts and contracts with virtually every major airline flying to South Africa. Amongst the airlines we work with are South African Airways, British Airways, Air Namibia, Emirates, Virgin, KLM, Air France and Lufthansa.

To book your flights with us to South Africa, or to get a quote for your next South African Adventure, please contact us by email or telephone or click on the Free Quote button.

Call: 020 8776 8709 or email:


Please do contact one of our experts to discuss your South African holiday on 020 8776 8709 or email us at

Or, if you prefer, simply complete our
online enquiry form here >>>